I used to take photographs

Admittedly, the title is rather tongue in cheek… But it’s been a while since I posted a good thorough photoblogging post. These photos were all taken on a two-day work trip down to Manteo. Prints anyone?

Overpass on 64 East. Early Morning

Overpass on 64 East. Early Morning

Light filtering in through a window in a hundred year old house, onto Carolina grown Southern Yellow Pine floors.

Light filtering in through a window in a hundred year old house, onto Carolina grown Southern Yellow Pine floors.

Davenport guest cottage. Early morning.

Davenport guest cottage. Early morning.

Picket detailing by David Davenport.

Picket detailing by David Davenport.

Shutterdog detail on the guest house.

Shutterdog detail on the guest house.

Ticket office for an old farmhouse turned museum that we designed. All detailing and construction methods are authentic and historically accurate.

Ticket booth for an old farmhouse turned museum that we designed. All detailing and construction methods are authentic and historically accurate.

Interior framing and bracing. Like older structures on the island, this building is naturally ventilated, with no insulation or drywall.

Interior framing and bracing. Like older structures on the island, this building is naturally ventilated, with no insulation or drywall.

Drainage ditch off highway 64. Facing east in the midmorning.

Drainage ditch off highway 64. Facing east in the midmorning.

No trespassing sign on an old barn off 64, about a half hour from Creswell, North Carolina.

No trespassing sign on an old barn off 64, about a half hour from Creswell, North Carolina.

Vernacular architecture, paying tribute to the Most High.

Vernacular architecture. The simplest of roof forms, honest, and clean.

Interior framing to the old barn.

Interior framing to the old barn.

Back home after a long couple days. Itchy and I taking a load off.

Back home after a long couple days. Itchy and taking a load off.

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