Advanced Framing for Residential Construction

Advanced Wall Framing, is a concept and phrase that the average homeowner may have never heard. In fact, if you’ve ever been in a structure built using these strategies, you wouldn’t necessarily know it. There are many different ways to approach wood framing, and ultimately the ‘bones’ of the building are almost entirely hidden from the perspective buyer.

The basic goal of advanced wall framing is to minimize wood in wall construction, saving in both material and labor costs, and  simultaneously increase the amount of insulation in wall construction, adding to the energy efficiency of a structure.

Advanced Framing Cross Section

Advanced Framing Cross Section

There are a lot of questions to ask when building a new home, and when interviewing builders about their construction process and qualifications. Make sure one of the questions you ask, is whether or not the builder is familiar with Advanced Framing techniques, as well as standards like Energy Star, and other High Performance building programs. Saving money on energy and saving cost up front during construction don’t have to be mutually exclusive, and advanced wall framing techniques can be one key step into making your new home affordable both today, and in the long term.

You can find more information about Advanced Framing in this PDF, courtesy of the US Department of Energy.

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